Greetings from paradise! What a Summer its been, exploring the pristine waterway of Prince William Sound has spoilt us forever. We just KNOW that cruising will never be this good again. Weve only just tied up at our home berth in Cordova to begin the process of winterising. None too soon either for after 3 months of calm weather (thats all you get in Summer here) the winter Lows are marching across the Bering Sea from Northern Europe and we are feeling the Arctic chill and experiencing the wind, rain, sunshine cycle every few days. The forest colours are changing too, the fireweed blooms have finished and local folklore says this means 6 weeks to the first snow on the ground. As well, the surrounding mountains are so clear and the sky so blue that the next "precipitation" will be snow on the peaks so they say.
We had perhaps a dozen yachts sail through Cordova this season, swelling the numbers of our Prince William Sound YC to about 20. Only 3 of these yachts were foreign sailors, hardy enough but not from Alaska and on their way to southern, warmer cruising grounds. One yacht, from Belgium, "Windekind" wed met in Japan and theyd called in to see what we were raving about. It wasnt long before Alfons and Clara were talking of wintering over too, the stunning backdrop of mountain scenery surrounding this charming village soon got to them and after a few walks and salmon fishing expeditions on the Eyak River they were as hooked as we are. Cruising in Prince William Sound is to witness the some of the results of global warming. Glaciers abound and are known to be melting at a faster rate than ever before. Many are tidewater and these calve into the Sound ever more frequently as Summer progresses. There is nothing more awe-inspiring than to bring illywhacker in as close as we dare to the glacier face, turn off the engine and just float amongst the broken ice listening to the immense cracking and groaning behind. If we wait patiently we see city building size chunks break away in a cloud of spray and moments later feel the boat roll in the swell. The scale is unimaginable. Looking up behind the glacier it is as though Sydney Harbour were an ice river on a 45 deg slope from Parramatta and at the Heads a 200m sheer face plunges down to the sea where we wait and watch in the smallest of craft. The wonder is that there are so many of these in our one waterway of just over 100nm across. Mostly its just us, another yacht is a rarity although occasionally a cruise ship in ghostly relief will appear on the horizon.
email: peter @illywhacker.com Stories and Images may be copied with permission of the authors |